Anne Sagendorph-Moon Business and Style Coach

Creativity | Beauty | Spirituality | Self-Care

Hello and Welcome

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve been reinventing and reimagining myself my whole life. And so…..

I work with creative entrepreneurs, who are in transition, reinventing themselves or stepping into a more expansive version of themselves in business, wealth, color and style.

I offer a more relaxed and forgiving, kinder and gentler approach to building your business, creating your wealth, and mastering your color and style so instead of pushing harder you can breathe easier.

This work is energy, strategy, and mindset based. I believe that building your business needs to honor your body, mind, and spirit as well as your bank account.

The intention of this work is to make you more magnetic with less chasing. This is not a ninja approach to success. It is more powerful and it honors your whole self.

Sometimes as creative entrepreneurs we don’t quite fit the norm or what’s expected. There’s a depth that’s often hard to explain or understand.

And yet we are always being pulled forward into the next expansion of ourselves. Even though in the middle of the expansion we can sometimes feel lost.

If you are in transition or in the next phase of expansion and want to reinvent yourself from the inside out: in business, wealth, or color and style:

Stories to explore new approaches to business, beauty, wealth, and magnetism.

Anne Sagendorph-Moon it's been a hard year

Hello and Welcome

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve been reinventing and reimagining myself my whole life. And so…..

I work with creative entrepreneurs, who are in transition, reinventing themselves or stepping into a more expansive version of themselves in business, wealth, color and style.

I offer a more relaxed and forgiving, kinder and gentler approach to building your business, creating your wealth, and mastering your color and style so instead of pushing harder you can breathe easier.

This work is energy, strategy, and mindset based. I believe that building your business needs to honor your body, mind, and spirit as well as your bank account.

The intention of this work is to make you more magnetic with less chasing. This is not a ninja approach to success. It is more powerful and it honors your whole self.

Sometimes as creative entrepreneurs we don’t quite fit the norm or what’s expected. There’s a depth that’s often hard to explain or understand.

And yet we are always being pulled forward into the next expansion of ourselves. Even though in the middle of the expansion we can sometimes feel lost.

If you are in transition or in the next phase of expansion and want to reinvent yourself from the inside out: in business, wealth, or color and style:

Stories to explore new approaches to business, beauty, wealth, and magnetism.

Kris Ellingsen testimonial for Anne Sagendorph-Moon

“I once heard an artist (a painter) say, “Understanding color is like being given an open checking account.” Anne, this is only one of the gifts you give to clients. Combined with your coaching on wealth, it’s a PERSONAL open account, but also one to be shared with the world. The way you combine all your explorations and reinventions is real magic, the kind of magic that works in the real world.”
Musician, Artist, Bozeman, Montana

I believe we are in a new world. Stepping into that world, reinventing and expanding ourselves can feel both exhilarating and courageous. I know that first hand. 

As you move through this process, I want you to:

  • Create magic in your business and your wealth with new energy and strategy tools. 
  • Walk into a room and be known without saying a word.
  • Speak your value and the value of your work so it inspires you and the people who’ve been waiting to work with you. 
  • Stand in front of the mirror and celebrate your beauty and aliveness.
  • Experience business success that’s designed for introverts as well as extroverts.
  • Create a sacred, loving relationship with money that allows wealth to be a normal part of your life.

Many clients come here to double or triple their income. If that is one of your goals, I want to show you how to do that without sacrificing your body, mind, and spirit. I want you to have fun doing it.

You are the reason I created The Way of Wealth and Wellness and the Sanctuary for Conscious Entrepreneurs.

I wanted a place where you can reinvent yourself and come home to yourself.

Where your business is a joy, wealth becomes a reality and where your color and style mean you can walk into a room and be known without saying a word.

Subscribe Stories to explore new approaches to business, beauty, wealth, and magnetism using energy, strategy, and mindset

Anne Sagendorph-Moon stepping into a new world
Anne Sagendorph-Moon a certified pendulum healer, a Reiki master and a certified sound healer
Well, I would tell you that even though I’m successful now I’ve had all those issues, and it was painful.

I really tried to build my business and wealth in a traditional way. You know what I discovered? It didn’t work for me. I couldn’t make myself use the sales funnel or upsell. I couldn’t use manipulative marketing.

So even though I’ve helped clients make millions of dollars I noticed when I tried to do it the agreed upon traditional way I would leave pieces of myself behind. 

Even with my precious entrepreneurs I would keep my multidimensional metaphysics and magic in the closet. In fact, if I’m brutally honest I will tell you that I was ashamed I was a metaphysician in business.

It’s true I am a business coach. It’s true that I am a trained color and style consultant.  It’s also true that I am somatically trained. I’m a certified pendulum healer, a Reiki master and a certified sound healer.

Along with those parts of me that are very accepted in the traditional business world there is more to me. And I bet if you are reading this, it’s true for you too.

Why? Because everything is FREQUENCY!

Whether we are talking about business, color, sound, or the state of your Nervous System.

You might ask: How will that help me? Let’s start here.

Since Everything is Frequency. I believe a healthy peaceful Nervous System has a lot to do with the frequency of our success.

So now let’s break Frequency down so it’s practical for you.

“During a time of incredible uncertainty Anne reminds me of what is eternal and true. Her grounded and dedicated personal practice spills over into every offering she provides and replenishes my inner well so I can be of service in a way that is easeful, confident, and empowered. Her teaching is on the next level which is so important if you want to grow your business, relationship to self, and relationship to life. I could not recommend her coaching more. Prepare to go deep and experience shifts that will support the leader you were always meant to be.
Thank you Anne. I love you.”
Pilates and Z-Health Practitioner, Oakland, CA

Tropical Winter Color Palette Amanda
Your message is the first Frequency of your Business
Your Business has a frequency. 

The truth is you need a message and marketing that’s not just effective, it needs to be true to your heart and soul. That’s why everyone who comes into my program does a Soul Vision session. It’s the foundation of your message and marketing. It includes the tenderness of why you do your business and the tangible results you are committed to for clients.

Your message is the first Frequency of your Business.

You can’t just rely on social media or emails. Your marketing follows your Frequency. It’s not just who you send it to. It’s who you are as you send it.

Money and Wealth 

Most of us inherited a family story. It usually included scarcity. It’s also true you must heal your Money issues to move into a Frequency of Wealth that becomes tangible… because if you don’t you will keep cycling on the old beliefs that keep you stuck where you are right now.

Wealth is so much more than a six-figure income. In fact, I cringe when I see coaches marketing “6 figure income” in their pitches. That is so surface level.

When you operate in the frequency of abundance, the money is obvious and given, but it FEELS so much different (and better!!) than simply pushing and striving for a monetary goal.

It is living in the Frequency of Abundance. That Frequency guides you, it’s true but more than anything you feel you are taken care of during the ebbs and flows of life.

Beautiful hummingbird rich colors representing money and wealth
Color and Style: The Power of Magnetism. Anne Sagendorph-Moon
Color and Style: The Power of Magnetism. 

Most of us inherited a family story. It usually included scarcity. It’s also true you must heal your Money issues to move into a Frequency of Wealth that becomes tangible… because if you don’t you will keep cycling on the old beliefs that keep you stuck where you are right now.

Wealth is so much more than a six-figure income. In fact, I cringe when I see coaches marketing “6 figure income” in their pitches. That is so surface level.

When you operate in the frequency of abundance, the money is obvious and given, but it FEELS so much different (and better!!) than simply pushing and striving for a monetary goal.

It is living in the Frequency of Abundance. That Frequency guides you, it’s true but more than anything you feel you are taken care of during the ebbs and flows of life.

Now let’s talk about the Frequency of Sound, Reiki, and Pendulum work to Heal your Nervous System. 

When you live in the Frequency of Abundance it allows real tangible wealth into your life.

The combination of Pendulum, Reiki and Sound is the magic Frequency shifter. It can shift you from worry to wisdom, from fear to love in moments. It can take you into Delta and Theta states of inspiration and deep rest.

When you rest and reset your nervous system it allows you to create a business that supports your wealth and wellness, that brings you home to yourself.

Beautiful Sound Bowl Anne Sagendorph-Moon

I teach the Power of
Business + Color + Metaphysics
because together they work like Magic.

I know that every day women look in the mirror and say unkind things to themselves. We compare ourselves to others (are we pretty? are we doing our business good enough?). I’m on a mission to change that for us and for the girls who come after us.

It’s why I say that Self-Love is the foundational strategy for building a successful, wealth-producing business. When women really see who they are, self-love envelops them and confidence blossoms. Self-trust becomes a way of life.

You know what else? I’m not for everyone and neither are you. Celebrate! It’s like a breath of fresh air. It frees me to be myself and it will free you too.

I know a lot of the coaching out there tells us we have to chase business. I don’t chase it and I don’t want you to either. There’s a better way.

You came here for a reason:

You need some help with your business to take it to the next level. Whether it’s message or marketing, money or magnetism. You’re ready to expand your income and influence, but just aren’t sure how to go about it. If that’s you, then I hope you’ll reach out and send me a message so we can chat about it. I know hiring a coach is a big decision. I remember the first time I did it. I was stuck making $4500 a month. I thought I might be there for life. I remember taking a breath when she told me the price and then 90 days later, I had tripled my income to $13000 a month. I’ve never looked back.

My income has continued to grow year after year. I work two weeks a month about 10 hours a week. That’s what I do for my clients. And it’s my intention for you.

I help you craft a business and style Anne Sagendorph-Moon

I help you craft a business and style so there’s…

  • No more struggling with your message.
  • No more marketing that feels painful or untrue.
  • No more money craziness.
  • No more wondering what colors to wear or how to translate your essence to your website and the world.
  • No more chasing business.

Not sure what's right for you?

Fill out the application and let’s figure it out together.

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