The Way of Wealth and Wellness Business Mentorship Program

Welcome to the Sanctuary for Creative Entrepreneurs

Individual and Group Coaching Programs

If you’re like me you may have been changing, growing, and expanding into new parts of yourself most of your life. Or maybe you’re in a transition that is new to you.

It feels like I’ve been in the process of evolving and reinventing myself from the inside out for most of my life too. And if you’re like me you’re probably creative, spiritual, and don’t quite fit the norm. 

That’s why I created a sanctuary where we can re-imagine ourselves as we grow and expand. 

Rather than being bombarded with what we should be and do, I wanted an effective and yet more relaxed, forgiving approach to building our businesses, creating our wealth, and mastering our presentation so we don’t chase harder, we breathe easier.

The Sanctuary for Creative Entrepreneurs is energy, strategy and mindset based. I have always believed that building our business needs to honor our body and soul as well as our bank account. 

I want all of us to have the skills that make us more magnetic and lessen the need to push ourselves harder. There is a way we can live in the Frequency of Abundance and have a healthy Nervous System. 

This is not a Ninja approach to success. It is a more Magnetic approach. Because of that I believe it is more powerful, lasting, and honoring of the whole self.

If you are in transition or in the next phase of expansion and want to reinvent yourself from the inside out: in business, wealth, color and style let’s chat. You can email me right here.

Anne Sagendorph-Moon Business page

Welcome to the Sanctuary for Creative Entrepreneurs

Individual and Group Coaching Programs

If you’re like me you may have been changing, growing, and expanding into new parts of yourself most of your life. Or maybe you’re in a transition that is new to you.

It feels like I’ve been in the process of evolving and reinventing myself from the inside out for most of my life too. And if you’re like me you’re probably creative, spiritual, and don’t quite fit the norm. 

That’s why I created a sanctuary where we can re-imagine ourselves as we grow and expand. 

Rather than being bombarded with what we should be and do, I wanted an effective and yet more relaxed, forgiving approach to building our businesses, creating our wealth, and mastering our presentation so we don’t chase harder, we breathe easier.

The Sanctuary for Creative Entrepreneurs is energy, strategy and mindset based. I have always believed that building our business needs to honor our body and soul as well as our bank account. 

I want all of us to have the skills that make us more magnetic and lessen the need to push ourselves harder. There is a way we can live in the Frequency of Abundance and have a healthy Nervous System. 

This is not a Ninja approach to success. It is a more Magnetic approach. Because of that I believe it is more powerful, lasting, and honoring of the whole self.

Stories to explore new approaches to business, beauty, wealth, and magnetism.

Do any of these feel like you?
  • You want a clear, succinct message that transmits the heart and soul of what you do.
  • You are ready to bring your work to the world and be seen, heard and taken seriously.
  • You want to look in the mirror and celebrate how you look and who you are.
  • You are ready to heal old beliefs and live in the frequency of abundance.
  • You want beautiful and effective marketing that feels natural, creative, and honoring to you and those you serve.
  • You want a personal brand and style that fully expresses you, that clients find irresistible, and that you love.
  • You want to learn some magic that allows you to influence outcomes.

You can choose to work with me individually or in a group. Some of my clients choose both individual and group work.

  1. The Individual Mentorship is either two 30-minute calls a month or 2 one-hour sessions a month.
  2. The Group Mentorship is 2 one-hour calls a month.

Depending on what you need we can work specifically with your business, shifting your beliefs about money and speaking your value, or healing your nervous system so you can allow more wealth and wellness into your life on all fronts. We’ll make sure your color and style presentation support your life and goals.

I begin our work together with a separate Soul Vision session and a Color and Style session, so you have an aligned, authentic foundation for your brand and message.

JENNIFER BLAINE Life Coach & Performer, Philadelphia, PA

““Simply put, I tripled my income working with you.””
Life Coach & Performer, Philadelphia, PA

Anne Sagendorph-Moon works with introverts

Although I work with both extroverts and introverts, I have a special place in my heart for introverts because I am one. So much business coaching is designed for extroverts. If you identify as an introvert too, know that this is a place you can succeed and shine while honoring your true nature. 

The work we will do together, both individually and as a group, transcends typical business coaching and simply talking through issues. We will work at a much deeper level – we will work through healing the resonance of your beliefs that keep you stuck. You will learn how to shift your frequency which is why my work includes the modalities of Reiki, Pendulum, and Sound.

We begin with your individual soul vision session and your color palette and style session. This creates the foundation for your brand, your message and your marketing; from what you speak to the website you create to the clothes you wear.

Remember everything is frequency from your message to the colors you use on your website. We want to make sure that resonance is the best presentation of you on your best day.

  • When we work together you will craft a clear, inspiring message. It will inspire YOU and the audience you want to serve.
  • It’s really Your message that opens the door to effective marketing, income breakthroughs, and a new level of magnetism that attracts clients. It also changes the world. It’s the reason we are here. I’ve discovered over the years.

    What can stop us from success? It’s the chatter out there full of “shoulds.” We can lose ourselves and our message. When we move beyond the noise we can see and feel our own beauty, genius, and truth. Magic begins here.
  • In my experience most spiritual entrepreneurs are doing creative work, often creating out of nothing. They step outside the box. Sometimes with no agreement for what their soul leads them to do. 
  • Because of that I think we all need someone who believes in us and sees us beyond where we are now. And that includes me too.
  • You know what else? Inspiration tops motivation every time because it comes from inside you. The way you market needs to feel like YOU – not some marketing “guru’s” idea of who you should be.
  • I know what it feels like when money doesn’t flow. I know what it feels like when you can’t quite feel your value. We are going to heal that so you not only feel your value, you feel your impact. It becomes easy to charge appropriately and abundantly. When you heal the old beliefs you were often given as a child, you naturally step into the Frequency of Abundance. That is real wealth and it stays with you for life through all the ebbs and flows. 

    I want all of my clients to have the Ability to Influence outcomes. It’s the next level of magic that empowers and frees you. With it we leave behind hoping something will happen. We begin to shape the change we want without forcing or pushing.
  • Most importantly, I want to free you from thinking you have to chase business. As we work together you will learn how to have business chase you as you step into your own magnetism.

    You can relax now.
     You can breathe. Your magnetism has always been inside you. We are just going to find it and free it so you can shine in the world. 
Stories by Anne Sagendorph-Moon
If you’re like me, you’re tired of getting bombarded every day with more information from the internet marketing “experts”….
  • You have to do a webinar
  • Create a YouTube channel
  • Market every day to every platform
  • Don’t forget to blog
  • Do interviews and a podcast
  • If your vibration’s not high all the time…you’ll fail
  • Wear black so people will take you seriously.  Yep, that’s out there too.
  • They scare us and they sell from fear

It’s false and misleading.
And really, do these people ever sleep?

There is so much noise out there. It can drive you crazy.

But more important it blocks your own deep truth and knowing.

It makes you doubt yourself and your value.

It’s enough to make you want to quit. It’s time we change that.

My journey might not be too different from yours. I had some things to learn before I could be financially free.

I was absolutely paralyzed when I thought of reaching out.

For me, the message needed to be from my heart, not just one more marketing ploy.

But I didn’t know what to say. So I hid.

I couldn’t get beyond $4500 a month no matter what I did.
I thought I’d be stuck there for the rest of my life. Money was not my friend.

Magnetism and the art of presentation eluded me.
Let’s just say I shouldn’t have been wearing black to make people take me seriously.

And please, no polka dots for me. In other words, I had no idea.

If someone told me this was the right color to wear or put on my website I followed along like a little lamb. Not good.

Anne Sagendorph-Moon confidence is contagious
Anne Sagendorph-Moon Listen to Your Heart stop chasing business

What happened next still amazes me.

Here’s what I did to change my business and my life.

I stopped chasing business!

I got quiet, I meditated. I listened for my next step from my heart.

I stopped strategizing from my head!!

I crafted a simple, heartfelt message.

I needed a message that was not just authentic, it needed to inspire me. It needed to feel like me..

I designed marketing that felt like a gift.

That’s what makes us want to market anyway, when it feels like we’re giving.

I healed my old relationship with money.

I found new ways to influence my money flow that were powerful and consistent.  In the first 90 days of using my new message and marketing I tripled my income. I went from $4500 a month to $13000 and I’ve never looked back. 

I transformed my magnetism and presentation.

When I got my color palette done, found my own style facets and then got trained to do that for others it changed my life. Using color psychology raised my credibility for sure but it also brought me a level of self-confidence that stays with me day in and day out.

Whether it’s my website or what I am wearing, my essence is shining through. People know me even when I don’t say a word. I know and trust my beauty and genius, my choices and expressions.

And you can too.

“What surprised me most about the coaching process was the absolute ease and remarkable speed of my progress. Bringing myself into alignment with my vision has been a tremendously affecting process. Your blend of empathy, compassion, and unveiled honesty encourages me to face all parts of myself and make peace inside me to bring about miracles in the world.”
Craniosacral Therapist, Lafayette, CA

Robyn Testimonial for Anne Sagendorph-Moon

Let’s take the pressure off. It’s amazing how creative and productive you can be when you aren’t beating yourself up, when you get quiet, and listen for your next step.

hot pink rose over watercolor flowers favicon Anne Sagendorph-Moon

Right now, you may feel overwhelmed. 

Maybe you’ve tried all sorts of things.
When you think you’re supposed to do everything all the time
you can feel worn out before you begin.

There’s a better way…and it’s right here.


Here you will….

Find Your Why

You’ll Discover Your Soul Vision: You have a calling. It’s the reason you are here on earth. Within it you’ll find your right audience, your perfect message, and the foundation of all your marketing. You’ll find your Why.

Simplify Your Marketing

You’ll Find Your Natural Marketing Style. Design Effective, Marketing that feels like you + Attracts Perfect Clients who love to pay you.

Make Money Your Ally

You’ll Learn the Keys of Permanent Prosperity that put you in charge of your income flow.  You’ll End Your Money Madness and create a path to real lasting freedom.

Enhance Your Magnetism

You’ll discover your Magnetism + Style to increase your credibility. You’ll begin expressing the magic of your inner essence to the outside world without saying a word. 

Last but certainly not least, you will learn how to: 

Master the Magic of Influencing Outcomes.

The end of chasing business.

You’ll Learn to use a new, practical toolkit of magic. I will teach you how to influence outcomes -From Message & Marketing; to Money & Magnetism.

Designed for this new moment it’s the secret ingredient of this unique program.

“I learned more about money & my relationship with money in one hour with Anne than I did in 30 years. She is one of the most authentic teachers I have EVER worked with.”
Talent Agent, Philadelphia, PA

Robyn Testimonial for Anne Sagendorph-Moon

I teach the Power of
Business + Color + Metaphysics
because together they work like Magic.

I know that every day women look in the mirror and say unkind things to themselves. We compare ourselves to others (are we pretty? are we doing our business good enough?). I’m on a mission to change that for us and for the girls who come after us.

It’s why I say that Self-Love is the foundational strategy for building a successful, wealth-producing business. When women really see who they are, self-love envelops them and confidence blossoms. Self-trust becomes a way of life.

You know what else? I’m not for everyone and neither are you. Celebrate! It’s like a breath of fresh air. It frees me to be myself and it will free you too.

I know a lot of the coaching out there tells us we have to chase business. I don’t chase it and I don’t want you to either. There’s a better way.

You came here for a reason:

You need some help with your business to take it to the next level. Whether it’s message or marketing, money or magnetism. You’re ready to expand your income and influence, but just aren’t sure how to go about it. If that’s you, then I hope you’ll reach out and send me a message so we can chat about it. I know hiring a coach is a big decision. I remember the first time I did it. I was stuck making $4500 a month. I thought I might be there for life. I remember taking a breath when she told me the price and then 90 days later, I had tripled my income to $13000 a month. I’ve never looked back.

My income has continued to grow year after year. I work two weeks a month about 10 hours a week. That’s what I do for my clients. And it’s my intention for you.

I help you craft a business and style Anne Sagendorph-Moon

I help you craft a business and style so there’s…

  • No more struggling with your message.
  • No more marketing that feels painful or untrue.
  • No more money craziness.
  • No more wondering what colors to wear or how to translate your essence to your website and the world.
  • No more chasing business.

Not sure what's right for you?

Fill out the application and let’s figure it out together.

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