Sometimes it’s your own world that feels out of control. It may not be global or important to anyone else but it has impact because it’s in your own back yard!
Here’s my story (with pictures below!)
My new neighbor (who is lovely by the way) replaced the fence on the property we share. He wanted to pay for it which was really a generous gift but did not tell me what it would look like or include me in the process. I thought it would be a fence like the old one.
OMG! On the side of my property it looked like a monolithic wall.
And they destroyed the plants on my side of the wall. It felt like an invasion.
I lost it. I felt angry (I know we are trained to just be grateful for a gift, right?). Actually I kind of went ballistic. I felt guilty and had to talk to my inner child to tell her what a brave girl she was to speak up for herself.
Later when we met in person, we went back and forth…him telling me that it had to be this way to meet the code, etc. etc.
Sometimes it’s your own world that feels out of control. It may not be global or important to anyone else but it has impact because it’s in your own back yard!
Here’s my story (with pictures below!)
My new neighbor (who is lovely by the way) replaced the fence on the property we share. He wanted to pay for it which was really a generous gift but did not tell me what it would look like or include me in the process. I thought it would be a fence like the old one.

Things began to shift when I told him how scared I had been to tell him.
Finally he realized they had never shown me a picture or told me anything and that maybe I was in shock.
What was beautiful is that I looked at him as we softened and said: “You are in my heart.” And he had tears in his eyes.
It showed me once again. Yes we can get angry. Yes we can have an upset. And yes, we can be vulnerable and open our hearts and healing will always occur.
I can’t heal the whole world and neither can you. What we can do is heal ourselves and what is in front of us.
I said to my business coaching clients this week: You change the world and the people you touch by simply being with them.
I’m guessing if you are reading this that is who you are too. Someone who heals people just by showing up.
You don’t have to have a high resonance all the time. You have to have an authentic one.
So this weekend I will rest and appreciate who I am and am becoming. I hope you will do the same.
PS My work is for people who live outside the box and want a new way to do business, style, wealth and healing. We believe in magic here.
If you’d like to work with me 1-1 or in a group, have your color palette done, or schedule a wealth attunement session you can email me. You can also read more on the website