The world feels out of control…
Ukraine, Roe, Shootings, and I’m sure there is more.
Oh yes, no baby formula!! I mean, really?
How on earth do we process all that every day as human beings?
We don’t and we can’t. We are feeling shockwaves day after day.

Not too many years ago we got a morning paper to read and the 6 o’clock news to watch. In between we went about our daily life.
And then the internet came and with it 24/7 news, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and everything else. We are shouted at every minute. It’s like having your doorbell ring over and over and over.
How do we stay sane when what is at the door isn’t even something we want to invite into our home?
First, I want you to know there is nothing wrong with you because you feel impacted by too much information. You are NOT responsible to heal the whole world.
You are a gift in your own world and that’s enough. Actually, more than enough.
Second, I invite you to pay attention to your body. The minute you read or see something that begins to scare your body STOP and ask yourself two questions:
How does this make my body feel?
Am I really interested in this?
Since I began to ask myself those two questions I have found peace. It doesn’t mean getting off all social media. It means being present to yourself in the moment and choosing what feels good to your body and loving to your soul.
I invite you to find things you like to do, that make you feel good and have those ready to do when you stop reading or watching something that upsets you.
A peaceful heart will always help the world heal.
Anything else you choose to give is extra credit.
You are magnificent.
PS My work is for people who live outside the box and want a new way to do business, style, wealth and healing. We believe in magic here.
If you’d like to work with me 1-1 or in a group, have your color palette done, or schedule a wealth attunement session you can email me. You can also read more on the website